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 All "hairy types" ...
We're talking to YOU!

Men: Do people call you Sasquatch, the Human Brillo Pad, or Cousin It?

Ladies: Do you have more hair on your upper lip than your brother? Are you destined to a lifetime of pants and long sleeves? Or maybe you're just fed up with the messy inconvenience of shaving, the constant waxing, or painful electrolysis sessions.

Wouldn't it be great if you

If your answer in YES, we have only one thing to say to you...

That's right! Mankind's oldest cosmetic problem, unwanted body hair, has been solved! The answer is ULTRA HAIR AWAY™!

Ultra Hair Away™ hair inhibitor frees both men and women from the painful and costly process of waxing, electrolysis, sugaring or laser. Ultra Hair Away™ progressively and naturally STOPS unwanted hair growth, through enzyme technology - THE COSMETIC MIRACLE FOR EVERYONE!

Ultra Hair Away™ changes the structure of your hair follicle. Thick coarse hair becomes softer, smaller and finer. It will resemble hair you had as a baby. Soon after - PRESTO! No more hair! You will never be self-conscious again!

Well, what good is all that hard work in the gym if your definition is hidden under spools of hair? That's the great thing about Ultra Hair Away™ - it's site specific! It only affects the area you choose. Coarse or Fine Hair; Man or Woman; Even if your Skin is Sensitive - It Does Not Matter!

It's the result of years of biological research and development. It is a topical solution that is made from an amazing mixture of exotic plant enzymes. Very unique enzymes in very precise quantities.

Once applied, it saturates the base of the hair follicle and begins the unique process of stopping hair growth. Ultra Hair Away™ is so easy to use. Just spray, and it goes to work! It's 100% organic, so it's completely safe and painless.

The Permanent Solution For Unwanted Hair!
Clinical studies have conclusively proven Ultra Hair Away™ is effective in slowing down, and inhibiting hair growth. The results were also conclusive for gentleness to skin. The test showed Ultra Hair Away™ to be fast, effective and safe for all areas of the face and body.

Using Ultra Hair Away™ according to directions causes hair to become thinner and finer over weeks of application, until hair growth is inhibited completely!

Beware of Depilatories - Don't Be Fooled by Cheap Knock-Offs and Imititators!
In the past year a number of dubious hair removal products have invaded and saturated the market, making false claims that they can provide the same results that Ultra Hair Away™ has consistently delivered for years.

These products are "depilatories", which are chemical products used to remove hair. They work with acidic ingredients that actually melt the hair from the surface of the skin, and many users of these depilatory products report burns, rashes and pain. These chemical products harshly and harmfully remove your hair, but they do not prevent it from growing back - you'd be just as well off (and certainly less harmed) buying a razor and using that for the rest of your life.

So beware, a depilatory will certainly (and very violently) melt away all your hair, but it won't stop the hair from growing back. In an attempt to copy the Ultra Hair Away™ process, some of these low cost imitators have tried to combine a hair removal depilatory with a so-called "inhibitor" - in these cases the "inhibitor" does not work because of the harmful effects of the depilatory.

Let's be clear - Ultra Hair Away™ is not a depilatory or chemical product and its formula cannot be duplicated. Ultra Hair Away™ is a safe and all-natural formula which initially slows down hair growth, then ultimately stops hair growth and prevents hair from growing back.

If a depilatory product is used prior to or in conjunction with Ultra Hair Away™, it will neutralize the active ingredients in Ultra Hair Away™, so make sure you avoid these chemical depilatory products and never combine them with use of your Ultra Hair Away™. Besides, with Ultra Hair Away™, you won't need a harsh, chemical "short term fix" depilatory - Ultra Hair Away™ is the safe, natural, lasting and long-term solution.


With all the talk about curing baldness, researchers seem to have forgotten the opposite problem - too much body hair. Victoria Body Works is addressing the hairy situation with Ultra Hair Away, a product that's so successful at getting rid of unwanted body hair, people are calling it baldness in a bottle.

It's a clear, odorless topical solution that, when applied immediately after hair removal, saturates the exposed base the hair follicle and begins the process of slowing down hair growth.

Not only does Ultra Hair Away™ also slow the growth of hair, but over time it will also change the original dark thick, coarse unwanted hair to softer, smaller, finer, lighter hair which will eventually resemble the hair you once had as a baby.

It's completely natural and works by mimicking the process that causes baldness. What's more, there are no side effects - except for slowed growth with softer skin. It works equally well on women and men and slows hair growth on legs, arms, face, upper lip, back shoulders, abdomen, underarms and bikini lines.

Many women who used to wax their legs every six weeks are now waxing every four to six months. Some men who used to shave once a day are now just shaving once or twice a week.

The three main factors that determine how quickly the product works for you are ...


How coarsely haired or hirsute you are to begin with.


The method of hair removal.


The condition of your skin.

Expect one bottle to last one month to several months, depending on the size and number of bodyparts to which it is being applied.

In a growing hair follicle, cells are osmotically transferred from the blood through the sides of the dermal papilla to form hair cells for continued hair growth.

The top of a healthy papilla is naturally cornified (healed) and cells do not pass thorough this area. This natural cornification on the top of the papillary matrix is what causes the hollow medullary canal inside a normal hair shaft.

Ultra Hair Away™ is a high-tech duplication of a variety of naturally occuring scalp secretions that cause this normal cornification of the top of the papilla in a healthy hair follicle. When the hair is removed, the sides of the papilla are exposed and susceptible to the treatment.

The Ultra Hair Away™ treatment simply cornifies the sides of the papilla disallowing cells to pass through the dermal papilla causing slower, and eventually, stopped hair growth.

Male pattern baldness is caused by renegade type apocrine glands which develop and connect to the duct of the sebaceous gland and introduce naturally occuring secretions into the hair follicle. The opening of hair follicles at the skins surface is often blocked by shampoo, conditioner, gels, hair spray, sweat, oils, sebum, etc.

This blockage disallows these natural secretions to escape. These acidic secretions, having no place to go, seep their way to the base of the hair follicle and slowly cornify the sides of the papilla preventing penetration of hair cells. Ultra Hair Away can duplicate the cause of baldness on the desired area.

Ultra Hair Away™ is to be sprayed onto the site of your choice and massaged in. Apply twice a day for the first week, then decrease to once a day for a minimum of 2 weeks. For optimal results continue at once a day until you achieved the desired effect. If your prefer to shave to control unwanted body hair, simply apply twice a day for one week and then once a day thereafer until the desired results are acquired. Shave as necessary.

In my recent pro bodybuilding competitions, including winning titles at the IFFB 2002, 2003 and 2004 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Champion and IFBB 2001 and 2003 Mr. Olympia Runner Up, I've been noticed for my healthy skin tone and super-smooth hair-free physique.
My competitive edge comes from Ultra Hair Away™, the only product I know that reduces hair growth and transforms its texture to be baby-fine and practically invisible. For bodybuilder-smooth results, healthy looking skin and no stubble at all, Ultra Hair Away™ is far and away the best answer I know. Click Here to read more.

Read what our customers have to say!

"I'm no longer the Wolf Man to my friends. ULTRA HAIR AWAY™ really works!" ... John Carter, California

Before, During, and After Ultra Hair Away™ Use.
Before Ultra Hair Away™ After 4 Weeks Of Use After 8 Weeks Of Use

"I've never found a product that worked before. Thank you! It's like a miracle!" ... Jeannie Brewda, Canada

Before, During, and After Ultra Hair Away™ Use.
Before Ultra Hair Away™ After 4 Weeks Of Use After 8 Weeks Of Use

"I'm so happy! I can finally show my legs!" ... Venessa Del Ray, New Jersey

Before, During, and After Ultra Hair Away™ Use.
Before Ultra Hair Away™ After 4 Weeks Of Use After 8 Weeks Of Use

"Hurray! No more agony of electrolysis. ULTRA HAIR AWAY™ has made my life better!" ... Martha Young, New York

Before, During, and After Ultra Hair Away™ Use.
Before Ultra Hair Away™ After 4 Weeks Of Use After 8 Weeks Of Use

INGREDIENTS and Additional Information

Ultra Hair Away™ is a clear, topical solution prepared by a special curing process which concentrates the biologically active components of select plant enzymes, while preserving their natural organic state; specifically formulated as a hair inhibitor for unwanted body hair.

Product Characteristics:
Excellent dispersibility!
Low aroma profile!
Insensitive to temperature changes!
No coloring agents!
Site specific!
Skin moisturizing!
Fast drying!

Compositional Analysis:
Water, Extractable Fruit Derivatives, Polypropylene Glycol, Glycerol, Disaccharides, Urea, Dithiothreitol, EDTA, Methyl Paraben, Propylparaben.

Suggested Area Uses:
Ultra Hair Away™ is to be sprayed directly on areas of unwanted body hair. Ultra Hair Away works equally well for both men and women on the following areas:
Upper Lip
Bikini Line
Under Arms

Safety Test Results:
Clinical studies were conclusive not only on Ultra Hair Away's effectiveness, but most importantly on its safe usage on any skin type. The soothing spray mist was tested for skin sensitivity, and mutagenicity. Ultra Hair Away also proved non-comedogenic in continued use.

Product Usage & Requirements:
How long one bottle of Ultra Hair Away lasts depending on site used.

Small Area: Face/Upper Lip -- 7 to 8 weeks
Medium Area: Either Back or both legs or Chest -- 3 weeks
Large Area: Entire Body -- 1 week

For Maximum Results: Apply Ultra Hair Away immediately after hair removal method of choice. A faster result will be achieved with waxing rather than shaving.

Questions & ANSWERS

How long does it take to work?

About 4 weeks. Thick course hair takes slightly longer, finer hair less time. Once the hair no longer grows back the Ultra Hair Away™ is used only occasionaly to maintain the look. In fact, Ultra Hair Away™ actually works faster than this but it also has to deal with dormant hairs. Ultra Hair Away™ must wait for them to grow before they become inhibited too. (One third of hair is in the dormant stage.)

Does it matter which hair removal procedure I use to get the best results with Ultra Hair Away™?
Yes. We highly recommend that you remove the hair from the roots, as with waxing, sugaring, tweezing, or electrolysis.

Is Ultra Hair Away™ a depilatory?
No. When used with customary hair removal methods it will inhibit hair growth, eventually phasing out the need for hair removal procedures.

How long will a bottle of Ultra Hair Away™ last?
This depends on the size of the areas on which you are using Ultra Hair Away™ on.

1 bottle will last as follows
Small areas: Face/Upper Lip 7 to 8 weeks.
Medium areas: Either back or both legs or chest - 3 weeks.
Large area: Entire Body - 1 week.

Is Ultra Hair Away™ a natural product?
Virtually all ingredients in Ultra Hair Away™ are natural. The active ingredients are derived from plant enzymes, and are known as Phyto-Enzymatic-Proteins (P-E-P).

How does Ultra Hair Away™ work?
As with male pattern baldness, Ultra Hair Away™ inhibits hair growth. In effect, Ultra Hair Away™ mimics our natural hair inhibitor system.

Is Ultra Hair Away™ site specific?
Yes. Man or woman, coarse or fine hair, it works the same on all areas. Chest, back, shoulders, forearms, legs...a woman's bikini line or upper lip! It only effects the area you choose.

How long does it take for Ultra Hair Away™ to absorb into the skin?
Ultra Hair Away™ permeates the skin quickly and evenly without residue.

If I perspire, will the product resurface or will it clog my pores?

Can I use Ultra Hair Away™ with my other cosmetics, beauty or skin products?
Yes. Apply Ultra Hair Away™ and rub into the skin before applying other products to the same skin area. Ultra Hair Away will not interfere with perfumes, aftershaves, skin cremes, etc.

Will Ultra Hair Away™ cause skin or eye irritation?
When used as directed, Ultra Hair Away™ should cause no skin irritation, even on delicate surfaces. Eye irritation is also unlikely. If Ultra Hair Away™ enters the eyes, gently flush them with warm water.

Does Ultra Hair Away™ moisturize the skin?
Ultra Hair Away™ actually has a conditioning effect, protecting the skin from dryness. Even people with a history of acne have reported loving this formula!

Does Ultra Hair Away™ eliminate razor burn or ingrown hairs?
Although we cannot claim that Ultra Hair Away™ stops razor burn or ingrown hairs, we have received customer input that it has relieved these kinds of problems.

Yes thats right! Due to many users with very coarse hair follicles - we made Ultra Hair Away™ stronger so it works even faster for you. (But it's still just as gentle on your skin!) Ultra Hair Away™ is stronger than the old product, formerly called Ultimate Hair Away, by 500%! In short, Ultra Hair Away™ rocks! (your hair follicles)

Are Ultra Hair Away™ & UHA Sport the same?
NO! "UHA Sport" is an impostor. It is a knock-off imitation of Ultra Hair Away™. Their name, even their ad wording and graph is a direct rip-off of our original ad. Unscrupulous!

We know from the testimonials of our many satisfied customers that Ultra Hair Away™ really works. - Why gamble with some knock-off imitation that isn't even any cheaper when:

Our customers have proven our product first-hand.
We offer one of the strongest guarantees in the industry.
We have a history of excellence in dealing with our customers.
We ship our product out on the same day we receive
your order instead of waiting two weeks.


***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.****

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